So it was interesting to learn last week that Silver Lake partners and its investment partners had "guaranteed" the debt for their$ 1.9 billion purchase of Skype from eBay ( eBay) in late 2009. 因此,当上周了解到SilverLakePartners及其投资合作伙伴在2009年底以19亿美元从eBay手中收购Skype时,曾为相关贷款提供“担保”时,我很感兴趣。
It's possible that the crisis will become so severe that the EU will be forced to issue euro bonds, guaranteed by all the member nations, to cover the debt. 如果危机变得太过严重,欧盟有可能被迫发行由全体成员国担保的欧洲债券,来清偿到期债务。
Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private no guaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. 它是长期公共债务、公共担保债务和私人非担保长期债务、IMF货款和短期外债的总和。
The gruesome mathematics of leverage in reverse, combined with personally guaranteed debt, mean there are now plenty of minus millionaires around. 杠杆效应反过来一算能吓死人,再加上个人担保债务,意味着我们周围现在有许多百万负翁。
I find it unforgivable that the last Irish government guaranteed bank debt so insouciantly and that the rest of the European Union has supported this decision. 我认为,上届爱尔兰政府如此漫不经心地担保银行债务,而欧盟(eu)其它国家支持其决定,这些都是不可原谅的。
In panic-stricken response, the Irish government guaranteed bank debt in September 2008. 恐慌下的爱尔兰政府在2008年9月为银行债务提供了担保。
The economical concept of credit means the transaction behavior which be guaranteed by contract such as loan, and it also means debt paying ability. 在经济上,信用表示以协议或契约为保障的不同时间间隔下的经济交易行为,也表示交易主体以偿债为主要内容的特殊经济能力;